SonKnuck A long travel [Fan-fic!] Thu Apr 15 22:13:46 1999 {SonKnuck and others are going to Party Land to meet their friend Soneec} SonKnuck: Are you going to tell me where we go? Riochet: maybe. Shorty: We are going to Party Land! SonKnuck: Cool! But, why are you hiding my eyes? H. Mac: Because you won't like HOW we are going there? {SonKnuck thinks for a minute} SonKnuck: We are going there....IN A PLANE? ALL: Yes!! SonKnuck: *gulp!* ----------------Later---------- SonKnuck: May you unhide my eyes? Secman: sure! The radio: Hi people, here's your pi... WHAT THE...? hEY! LET ME! YOU CAN'T DO T... MMMMM!! MMM!!! MMM!! Shorty: What's going on? H. Mac: I don't know. SonKnuck: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! the radio: hi ayug, rt'wd dfg sagjh fr Dygfa Tnda! {Translation: hi guys, we're now going to Sammy Land!} Riochet: This voice repel me something. H. Mac: You mean that crap? Riochet: Exactly. Secman: I think it's Sa.... SonKnuck: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!! ALL: SHUT UP SONKNUCK!!!!! SonKnuck: AAAAAAA... H. Mac: So Secman, who is it? Secman: SaMaNtHa!!! SonKnuck: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! ALL: WE SAID SHUT UP SONKNUCK! SonKnuck: AA....... Riochet: So, we are going to... ALL: SAMMY LAND!!!! SonKnuck: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! TO BE CONTINUED Are they going to reach Party Land? Is SonKnuck going to stop yelling? Will our heroes get the plane bcak in the right direction? All this and more in "A long travel part 2" SonKnuck A long travel Part 2 {Fan-fic!} Fri Apr 16 08:30:46 1999 In the last episode: SonKnuck: We are going to Party Land...IN A PLANE?! Radio: Hi people here's your pi... What the?! HEY! LET ME! YOU CAN'T DO T...! Riochet: What's going on?! SecMan: SaMaNtHa!! ----------------------------------------------------------- {Meanwhile, at the back of the plane} Mike S.: hey guys! What's going on? Zac: Well, SonKnuck is mad and we're not going to Party Land! Mike S.:Why?! H. Mac: Because SaMaNtHa took over the plane! SecMan: Exactly! Mike S.: So, we're going to...SAMMY LAND!? ALL: YES! SonKnuck: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! Mike S.: SonKnuck, what's wrong? Shorty: He's taking the plane for the first time and he thinks we're going to crash! Mike S.: I think he's right! Riochet: He's right? Why? Mike S.: Because we're going to the ground too fast! ALL: WHAT?! {However, at Party Land} Soneec: Why the hell are they so long? Voice: I don't know. Soneec: huh? Who said it? Voice: It's meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Soneec thinking: This "me" was so long. So, it must be... Soneec: HOUGAN! Hougan: I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Hougan: You're coming with me! Soneec: NO WAY! Hougan: YES! You're coming to Sammy Land that will be soon converted to Samgan Land! Soneec: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! TO BE CONTINUED Is it the end for our heroes in plane? Are they going to survive? Will Soneec escape from Hougan? All this and more in "A long travel Part 3"! SonKnuck A long travel Part 3 {Fan-fic!} Fri Apr 16 10:36:48 1999 Last time, in "A long travel" SonKnuck: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! Mike S.: I think he's right! ALL: WHY?! [And at Party Land] Soneec: HOUGAN! ---------------------------AND NOW!------------------------ {Now, come back to the plane} SonKnuck: AAAAAAAAAAAAAH! phew! I'm tired! H. Mac: Ah! Finally! SonKnuck: Someone gotta do something! Shorty: Yes! But who and what?! Riochet: Not me! Zac: Not me! SecMan: No way! Not me! SonKnuck: hum... guys? Why are you looking at me? Mike S.: I think you may guess it! SonKnuck: Ok! I understand! {SonKnuck goes to the cockpit, open the door and...} SonKnuck: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!! SecMan: Not again!? SonKnuck: No, but,.... ALL: BUT WHAT? SonKnuck: There's no pilot!! H. Mac: We're going to die! Riochet: HELP! Shorty: Calm down guys! Looking at SonKnuck, I think he have an idea! Mike S.: hmm...? {SonKnuck take control of the plane and get it back in the air right before it crash on Sammy Land that is in reality, Hougan Land} Zac: We're dead? Riochet: If this is the paradise, it's cool! SonKnuck: No, we're safe! And I got the plane in the good direction. We're now going to Party Land! [However, our heroes will have a little surprise when they will reach Party Land] (At Party Land) Hougan: I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Soneec: What the...? You shouldn't be to Sammy Land?? Hougan: Yes, but it have been destroyed Soneec: So, everyone is safe!! Hougan: No! If I can't convert Sammy Land, I'll convert Party Land! Soneec: NO! YOU CAN'T! Hougan: Really? Soneec: Really! Hougan: Well, look at me! Soneec: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! TO BE CONTINUED! Will our heroes save Party Land? Will SonKnuck keep control of the plane? All this and more in "A long travel Part 4" SonKnuck A long travel part 4 [Fan-fic!] Fri Apr 16 22:17:04 1999 Last time in "A long travel" SonKnuck: AAAAAAAAAAAH!!! SecMan: Not again?! SonKnuck: No, but,... ALL: BUT WHAT?! SonKnuck: There's no pilot! {SonKnuck take control of the plane and get get it back in the right direction just before it crash} (Meanwhile, at Party Land) Hougan: I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Soneec: You shouldn't be to Sammy Land? Hougan: Yes, but it have been destroyed. Hougan: So, I'll convert that Land! ------------------------------------------------------------ Soneec: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Hougan: Yeah! Look that! {Soneec lost her conscience} [3 hours later] Soneec: hmmm... what happened? HEY! Where am I? Hougan: You're still on Party Land. But it's now called Hougan Land! Soneec: NO WAY! {Soneec punches Hougan} Hougan: OW! You're gonna pay for this! {However, AJ and Andre are hidden somewhere on the Land} {Meanwhile, in the plane} {SonKnuck is looking at the board} SonKnuck: hmmmm... Why is this arrow showing "E"? Riochet: "E"? H. Mac: "E"!? SecMan, Mike S., Shorty and Zac: Did he say, "E"? SonKnuck: Yes, I said "E"! What's wrong? Zac: "E" like in "Empty"? SonKnuck: YES! "E" like in....EMPTY! SonKnuck: WE'RE GOING TO CRASH! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! SecMan: ARGH! He restart! Riochet: no! look! We're crashing on Party Land! Shorty: So? THERE'S NO DIFFERENCE! Mike S.: Riochet is right! If we are lucky, we're falling on the huge safety couch that is in the middle of Party Land! SonKnuck: Yes, but if we're not lucky we're dead! Mike S.: hmmmm... he's right too... ALL: HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLP!!!!!!!!!! {In Party Land...or is it Hougan Land?} Soneec thinking: What's that noise? {Soneec look up and see the plane} Soneec: They're here! They're safe! {Hougan is asleep on the huge couch but the plane awake him} Hougan: What the..... Hougan: AH! I'M GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE! {The plane crash} TO BE CONTINUED... Everyone is dead or not? You'll learn it in the next part of "A long travel"! SonKnuck A long travel Part 5 Sat Apr 17 11:31:54 1999 Last time in "A long travel" SonKnuck: Yes, "E" like in..."EMPTY"! SonKnuck: AAAAAAAAAAAH! SecMan: ARGH! He restart Riochet: If we're lucky, we're crashing on the safety couch that is on Party Land! {the plane crash} ~And now, where the plane crashed? On the couch or not? You'll learn it by reading the following~ {Somebody in the plane come back alive} H. Mac: hmmm... where am I? Riochet: YOU'RE ON ME! GET OFF! {This yell awake everyone} SonKnuck: What the...? Ricochet: I'm alive! Zac: We're alive! Mike S.: We're not dead!! {Shorty kiss the ground} SecMan: Berk! Shorty, How can you? Shorty: It's not earth, it's the safety couch! SonKnuck: COOL! We're on Party Land! Riochet: Everyone to the beach! Soneec should be there! {Suddenly, AJ arrive from nowhere} AJ: Not so fast! Andre: Yeah, sdgf ysgd uisdgf H. Mac: Andre?? You're talking like Samantha! Andre: I was Samantha! SonKnuck: What did you say Andre?? Andre: I said "Yeah, not so fast!" AJ: You won't go any......ARGH! They are with SonKnuck! Andre: So, what's wrong? AJ: SonKnuck is my friend, so I can't do anything. Mike S.: You mean that just because SonKnuck came with us we're safe? AJ: Yes, that's what I mean. The gang from the plane: COOL! AJ: there's something I don't understand! SecMan: What? AJ: SonKnuck told me he was not going to take a plane because he was afraid that it crash and he die. Riochet: We forced him. AJ: Oh, I see. Well, good trip on Hougan Land. The gang from the plane: HOUGAN LAND?!?? H. Mac: We're not on Party Land??? Andre: yasd b... er... I mean, yes but Hougan converted it when Sammy Land got destroyed. Zac: What about Soneec? Andre: She is Hougan's slave now :-( Shorty: OH NO! AJ and Andre: OH YES! SonKnuck: hmm... guys? Mike S.: Do you know where's Hougan? SonKnuck: guys! Andre: I think SonKnuck may tell you! SecMan: SonKnuck?? Why? SonKnuck: GUYS! THE GUYS: WHAT?! {Hougan have catch SonKnuck and he holds a knife in front of SonKnuck's neck} SonKnuck: DO SOMETHING! ALL except SonKnuck and Hougan: Uh-Oh! TO BE CONTINUED! Is this the end for SonKnuck? And what about Soneec? All this and more in "A long travel Part 6"! SonKnuck A long travel {Long and Final Chapter} {Fan-fic!]} Sun Apr 18 14:42:04 1999 Last time in "A long travel" SonKnuck: hmm... guys? Mike S.: Do you know where's Hougan? SonKnuck: guys! Andre: I think SonKnuck may tell you! SecMan: SonKnuck?? Why? SonKnuck: GUYS! THE GUYS: WHAT?! {Hougan have catch SonKnuck and he holds a knife in front of SonKnuck's neck} SonKnuck: DO SOMETHING! ALL except SonKnuck and Hougan: Uh-Oh! {Is this the end for SonKnuck? Read this to learn it!} {Nobody know what to do and SonKnuck is under Hougan's power} Hougan: Don't move, or I kill him! SonKnuck: I won't move, I won't move! Hougan: I'm talking to your friends! Idiot! SonKnuck: Oh! {Everyone is standing} {SonKnuck and Hougan disappear in the forest} SecMan: ARGH! Now, we have 3 mission! Riochet: 3 mission??? H. Mac: Yeah, what do you mean? SecMan: Mission #1: Save SonKnuck Zac: Ok, I understand. Mike S.: I guess the second mission is "Save Soneec". SecMan: Exactly! Shorty: So, the mission #3 is.... ALL: SAVE PARTY LAND!! AJ: There's a 4th mission! SecMan: Really? What is it? Andre: repair your plane! ALL except AJ and Andre: OH! Riochet: Well, go get our friend back!! {AJ and Andre start repairing the plane and others search SonKnuck} Shorty: Hey guys! I found something! H. Mac: What is it? Shorty: I don't know. Zac: hey look! there's a name on it! Mike S.: Hougan's kn.... {Suddenly, Soneec from behind a dead tree.} Soneec: Kill... ennemies... of... Hougan! ALL: Soneec! Are you alright? Soneec: Kill... ennemies... of... Hougan! Riochet: WaiT! It's me! SonKnuck! Zac: Riochet? You're not.... Riochet: SHUT UP! Soneec: SonKnuck... is... dead! ALL: WHAT?! Soneec: SonKnuck... is... dead... and... I'm... gonna... kill... you! {A backet of Water fall on Soneec and she come back to normal} Mike S.: Soneec, are you alright? Shorty: Where this backet come from? Soneec: I'D LIKE TO KNOW! ALL: Soneec!!! You're back to normal!! Soneec: Yes, but I'm still on Hou... HEY! Soneec: Riochet! Zac! Shorty! SecMan! Mike! Hyper Mac! SonK.... Where's SonKnuck? Riochet: Hougan captured him. SonKnuck: Not really! ALL: SONKNUCK!!! H. Mac: Hougan hadn't capture you? SonKnuck: Yes, but I escaped. ALL: HOW? SonKnuck: It's a long story that I'll tell you later. Zac: Well, now it's time to save Party Land! SonKnuck: Yes, and I have a plan! {SonKnuck tell his plan to others} SecMan: Andre! We need you! Andre: For what? SecMan: To save Party Land! Andre: How? SecMan: Become SaMaNtHa and tell Hougan to reconvert that Land as it was before! Andre: ok, I know how do it. {AJ go out of the plane} AJ: Andre, I need you for... hey! Where do you go?!?? Andre yell: SAVE PARTY LAND! AJ: ... {Andre become SaMaNtHa and go talk to Hougan. She/he find him on the beach} Andre/SaMaNtHa: HOUGAN! Hougan: huh?! Sa... SaMaNtHa?! Andre/SaMaNtHa: wuyfb ywubgwquo byuwo wyug ywug wygw! {Translation: Reconvert that land as it was before!} Hougan: Why? Andre/SaMaNtHa: uybfda ukaygf ajffg kfuy!!! {Translation: Because it's Sammy Land!!! Hougan: oops! {Hougan reconvert the Land} Andre/SaMaNtHa: uyhwgf sdhf jhg asdyfg ksgf!! {Translation: You're gonna pay for that!} Hougan: How? Andre/SaMaNtHa: Jgbsy afyg akfyg fbvyka yvfq vvca! {Translation: Leave that Land forever and never come back!} Hougan: I leave! I leave! {Hougan take his boat and go back to the real Hougan Land} Andre: Good bye!! Everyone: Now, we can finally start the Party!!!! THE END!!! SonKnuck A long travel {End missing} Sun Apr 18 14:52:49 1999 Soneec: So, what are we going to do? Shorty: The party!! {Everyone goes to the beach} AJ: Hey! Wait for me!! And the plane? H.Mac: We're here for about 2 years, forget it! SonKnuck: 2 YEARS?! But I told my mom I was going to come back in a month or 2! 3 maximum! Riochet: Well, call her, I have my celullar. SonKnuck: oh, thanks! SonKnuck's mom: hello? Yes I agree. SonKnuck! So, how are you? SonKnuck: Fine, but my plane crashed so I'm locked here for about 2 years with all my friends. I'll call you every week to make you sure I'm not dead. Shorty: hey! It's not true! You're no..... SonKnuck: shut up shorty. SonKnuck's mom: Ok, thanks. SonKnuck: And this party, it won't start or what? Everyone: YEAH!!! THE END! (For true this time) SonKnuck A long travel {Escape from Hougan}{Fan-fic} Sun Apr 18 20:51:04 1999 {Let's start when Soneec came back to normal} Soneec: Riochet! Zac! Shorty! SecMan! Mike! Hyper Mac! SonK.... Where's SonKnuck? Riochet: Hougan captured him. SonKnuck: Not really! ALL: SONKNUCK!!! H. Mac: Hougan hadn't capture you? SonKnuck: Yes, but I escaped. ALL: HOW? SonKnuck: It's a long story that I'll tell you later. {Now, the adventure is done and SonKnuck is gonna tell people how he escaped from Hougan} AJ: Hey! SonKnuck! SonKnuck: Yes? That's me! AJ: How did you escape from Hougan? SonKnuck: Oh! It's too long to tell you. Riochet: Please, tell us! Soneec: Yeah please, it could be fun! SonKnuck: Well... ok! Mike S.: YAHOO! Shorty: SonKnuck: Are you sure you want to hear my story? Shorty: Sorry, we shut up now. SonKnuck: Well, as you Hougan captured in front of you with a knife and said he was going to kill me if you was moving. He sent me to the beach and throw me in the water. Immediately after he throw me in the water I catched his knife and it slowed me. After, I throw the knife in the forest to make sure he was not going to find it back. In the water, I found a backet so I took it. I think you know the end of this story. H. Mac: Cool! Great Job! Zac: Yeah! Ricohet There's something wrong! SonKnuck: Really? What? Riochet: Everyone know that after 5cm in the water people may drown. SonKnuck: Yeah, but Hougan throw me 7cm after the beach of Party Land. Shorty: So, you should be dead!! SonKnuck: Yeah, but as everyone know, 7 meand LUCK! SecMan: So? SonKnuck: There was air bubble like in the Sonic games! That's what saved me! EVERYONE: PRETTY COOL!! Andre: You're really courageous! SonKnuck: Thank you very much! THE END!!